Antropologi Ragawi 1: Dental Antropology

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Antropologi Ragawi 1: Dental Antropology


  • Antropologu

    Study tentang antropos (latin, antro=manusia)

    Ragawi: sisi biologisnya

    • variasi manusia dari sisi budaya, morfologi

    Eg: kaitan morfologi dengan budaya (orang indo pingin putih, bule pingin tan)

    • The study of humans, past (2 juta th yll, tertua di Indo mojokertensis, 2,3 di Afrika) and present (apakah perbedaannya?)

    • To understand complexicity of cultures across all of human history,

    • Build upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as …

    • A central concern of antropologist is the application knowledge to the solution of human problems

      Insisive: double , interuption groove, winging, curvature -> beda antara populasi (seperti fingerprint)

  • Physical Antropology

    • Seek to understand how human adapt to diverse enviroment

      Arab vs Jawa (gigi genetically influent) meskipun makan sama morfologi beda**,** klo tulang kuat tapi tergantung lingkungan misal tungkai)

      Anterior fovea Jawa lebih kelihatan

      Jawa ukuran lebih kecil

    • How biological and cultural processes work together to shape growth, development and behavior, and what causes disease and early death

      Pertumbuhan tinggi badan dipengaruhi menyerap kalsium, tubuh respon stress

      Bagaimana gigi merespon kondisi tidak ideal sehingga karies (thickness of enamel -> genetically)

      Eg: Homo erectus, sulit makan, nutrisi kurang terpenuhi-> sakit-> mati

      Dulu gabisa buat api, misal ada gunung meletus, kebakaran, trus dijaga, gigi paling lama berubah karena paling keras dan strongly genetic influence

      Eg: gigi berdesakan adanya lengkung gigi kecil menikah dengan lengkung gigi besar (gigi besar)

    • Interested in human biological origins, evolution, and variation

      Apa betul ada evolusi?

      Bukti: molar ke 3(wisdom teeth) tumbuhnya miring, dulu 2 jt yll tidak miring

      Evolusi: perubahan frekuensi tentang treat tertentu (eg: gigi)

  • Dental Anthropoly

    • Information obtained from the teeth of either skeletal or modern human population to resolve antro problems

    • Morphological variation (Dental morphological features) and metrics

    • Compare ancient and modern man, and population groups, similarities and difference

      Eg: molar-> Y shape (di Driophytecus), X shape,

    • The scientific study of ancient people using evidence found within their teeth

      Mengakses tengkorak tapi udah gajelas bentuknya, gigi carabelly di Eropa dan Asia. Insisivus ada shovel? …. Orang Eropa!

    Socio-cultural and biological aspects

  • What to Learn

    • Evolution

      • Crowding
      • Abnormal shape and position of M3
    • Variation

      • Measurement
      • Crown variation
      • Root variation

      Eg: pulp cavity, besar (paurodon (pauro= kerbau)) kecil (?)

      perpecahan akar (ada percabangan, semakin besar semakin banyak cabang)

    • Sequence of teeth emergence and teeth development in various populations

      identifikasi umur dari gigi yang sudah erupsi

    • Age determination using tooth wear and eruption

      Keausan di tua lebih besar (sering dipake)

  • The Highlight

    • Applying an antropological perspective

    • Prevention, treatment of common dental diseases that are prevalent in comtemporary societies

      Orto diperbanyak, adanya perubahan makanan (banyak manis-> karies adanya perlu perawatan akar) -> Endodontics

  • Evolution in Human Face and Dentition


    Masih ada homo erectus, remember PERUBAHAN FREKUENSI

    Homo erectus dulu 100, sekarang 20

    Human=bisa memburu karena semakin cerdas

    • Crowding

      Understanding teeth crowding is important not only from a clinical point of view, but it also has implications in understanding the controlling factors of tooth size.

      • There was less crowding in the Aborigines – greater interproximal attrition – ingestion of coarse food

      Eg: perubahan lengkung gigi (dentition)


    • Variation in Teeth Eruption

      • different populations follow different trajectories in the formation and eruption/emergence of individual teeth
      • there has been a significant lowering of the age at which these maturational milestones appear
      • important for orthodontists to know the average age of eruption timing and the growth spurt of various populations
      • M2 eropa= stage 9 (6,5 to 11 yrs), African = stage 9 (4,5 to 10,5 yrs)


    • Variation In Crown and Roots

      • Genetics endowment
      • Enviroment
        • Culture

          Modification of teeth

          • Intentional
          • Unintentional
        • Food

          • Abbrasion

          Nasi jagung dg nasi beda abrasi

          Ide PKM: beda gigi jawa n palembang

          • Erosion

          Caused by either intrinsic or extrinsic sources-> culture related: "thin beatiful", klo dimuntahin, asam lambung akan keluar, mengikis gigi

        • Habit

          • Teeth grinding (bruxism) -> Attrition
          • Nail/ pencil biting
    • Variation of cusp

      Modern human: Less abbrasion, more grooves and pits, more processed food  teeth are prone to caries



    • Comparison of shovel-shaped and non-shovel-shaped incisors

      Variations of the shape of incisors: in Neanderthal (left), Mongoloid (middle), and Caucasian (right)


    • taurodont and non taurodont

      • Taurodont: is a tooth that lacks constriction at the level of the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) and is characterized by • -> vertically elongated pulp chambers, • -> apical displacement of the pulpal floor • -> and bifurcation or trifurcations of the roots
      • is caused by the failure of Hertwig’s epithelial sheath diaphragm to invaginate at the proper horizontal level
      • was found in ancient human in Europe (Neanderthal)
      • In Modern people, it is found 6%- 60% in Israel, Europeans, Scandinavians, Afr. Americans, Saudi, W. Americans, Inuits, Aleuts, Mongolians, Chinese, etc.
      • due to the typical internal anatomy, where buccal canals were narrow and orifices were close, the canal orifices were also deeply placed in the tooth.
      • Therefore, the obturation procedure was also different from the conventional one.


  • Dental Treat

    • Premolar tubercle on 2nd maxillary premolar

      during orthodontic treatment, paramolar tubercles often are removed by ameloplasty (i.e., the selective removal of enamel by grinding) because they interfere with cementation of the brackets and correct alignment of orthodontic archwires


    • It is important to recognize that although some Nonmetric Dental Traits, including the paramolar tubercles, only occur in low frequencies, they should not be classified as anomalous – they are normal morphological features of the dentition.

    • This morphological variation is evidenced by the diverse trait frequencies among world populations.

    • this variability often is useful in the processes of an individual’s forensic identification.

    • Untuk individuasi

    • Mempelajari kebiasaan dan budaya

    Tonjol di eropa (cusp ke 4 biasanya mengecil), jawa (5/6/7)

    • Carabelli cusp

    Tuberculum dentale, doubled root canine

  • Teeth Modification


    Cultural change->Change of processing food ->  Morphological change->  human change dentition

    • Dentist role: helping consequence

    Insisive 2 bawah mulai ga tumbuh

    Human will continus redefine and reshape themselves by modifying their teeth


    • Overcome consequences
    • Make people aware
    • Aware activities that may modify their teeth unintentionally and intentionally

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