Introduction, Terminology, & Surface Anatomy

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Introduction, Terminology, & Surface Anatomy


  • Greek =to cut apart

    **Definition =**Scientific study of the body’s structures.

    Gross vs. Microscopic Anatomy

    Regional vs. Systemic Anatomy

    • Gross anatomy

      Gross anatomy learns larger structures 🡪 no need of magnification devices.

      Anatomists use 3 kinds of approaches in studying gross anatomy, they are surface, regional and systemic anatomy.

    • Microscopic Anatomy

      Microscopic anatomy learns smaller structures, so that microscope is used for this field.

      The 2 branches of microscopic anatomy are cytology (cell biology) and histology.


  • Physiology

    Definition = Scientific study of the body’s functions 🡪 including chemical and physical processes.

  • History

    • 1600 BC

      The science of anatomy was first identified approximately 1600 B.C.  an Egyptian scientist’s papyrus about anatomy was found. Organ identification and bloodstream basic sciences had been studied.

    • 4BC

      The use of dead bodies as anatomical studies was known in 4 B.C. Herophilos and Erasistratus demonstrated human dissecting in Alexandria.

    • 130-201

      Galen, a Greek physician, did animal dissecting.

      • Recognized that blood came from heart.
      • Propose hypothesis that nervous system contains sensoric and motoric division.


    • 1538

      • Andreas Vesalius, a Belgian physician, while living in Italy, did human dissecting.
      • Wrote first anatomy book titled : De Fabrica Corporis Humani


    • 1578-1657

      William Harvey, an anatomist, explained that bloodstream is a single-directional stream Heart  Artery  Vein  Heart


    • 17-18th century

      The start of the peak of the science of anatomy ran in 17-18th century  supported by paper printing and publication  allowed informations and ideas traffic in Europe. Good drawing skills allowed the fame of anatomists.

    • 19th century

      In 19th century, anatomy was studied even more comprehensively with England as the centre. The demand of dead bodies even caused high criminal rate  English government arrange Anatomy Law in 1832. It also pushed the writing of Gray’s Anatomy book. Also in this centruy, the science of tissues (histology) is also started.

    • 1981

      In Indonesia (1981), our government arrange Governmental Rules (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) about Clinical and Anatomical Human Dissection and Organ and/or Tissues Transplantation.

  • Surface vs. Regional vs. Systemic Anatomy

    • Surface Anatomy

      • The study of the external anatomical features.
      • The external body features often represent beneath internal organ condition.


    • Regional Anatomy

      • The study of the interrelationships of all of the structures in a specific body region.
      • If one ought to study abdominal region, he need to study it from its skin to visceral including its muscles, vascular system, nerve system, and lymphatic system.
        • Body regions

          • Cephalic/cranial region


          • Cervical/collar region

          • Thoracic region

          • Abdominal region

          • Pubic region

          • Dorsal region

          • Superior extremities / upper limbs

          • Inferior extremities / lower limbs



    • Systemic Anatomy

      • The study of the structures that make up a discrete body system.

      • If one ought to study digestive system, he need to study it from its entry in mouth cavity to its exit in anus.

        • integumentary system
        • skeletal system
        • muscular system
        • nervous system
        • endocrine system
        • cardiovascular system
        • lymphatic system
        • respiratory system
        • digestive system
        • urinary system
        • male reproductive system
        • female reproductive system








  • 6 Levels of body structure

    • Chemical level

      atoms combine to form molecule

      dimana tubuh manusia terdiri dari atom-atom (H-C-O-N), dan membentuk molekul

    • Cellular level

      cells are made up of molecules

      molekul-molekul bergabung membentuk sel, yang merupakan unit fungsional dan structural terkecil dari makhluk hidup

    • Tissues level

      tissue consist of similar types of cells

    • Organ level

      organs are made up of different type of tissues

    • Organ system level

      consist of different organs that work together closely

    • Organismal level

      made up of many organ systems


  • Anatomical Terminology

    • The use of terminology to eliminate ambiguity.
    • The ancient Greek/Latin is used because they’re not commonly used in everyday conversations nowadays  minimum changes.
    • Linguistic rules used is called Terminologia Anatomica  formal unit in anatomy nomenclature.
  • Anatomical position

    Syarat Posisi Anatomi

    • Berdiri dengan tegak, dengan kepala, kedua mata, dan jari kaki menghadap ke depan.
    • Kedua tangan di sisi tubuh dengan telapak tangan terbuka ke depan.
    • Kedua kaki merapat dan mengarah ke depan.



Anatomical terminology

  • Bagian anatomi

    Bagian anatomi yaitu bagian yang melalui tubuh dalam posisi anatomi:

    • Bagian median

      bagian yang membagi tepat tubuh menjadi bagian kanan dan kiri.

    • Bagian sagital

      bagian yang membagi tubuh menjadi dua bagian dari titik tertentu (tidak membagi tepat dua bagian). Bagian ini sejajar dengan bagian median.

    • Bagian horizontal

      bagian yang terletak melintang melalui tubuh (bidang X-Y). Bagian ini membagi tubuh menjadi bagian atas (superior) dan bawah (inferior).

    • Bagian koronal

      bagian vertikal yang melalui tubuh, letaknya tegak lurus terhadap bagian median atau sagital. membagi tubuh menjadi bagian depan (frontal) dan belakangan (dorsal).

  • Directional (Posisi)

    • Anterior-Ventral-Posterior-Dorsal-Cranial

      • Anterior = front ---- navel is on the anterior of the trunk.
      • Ventral = belly side ---- navel is on the ventral surface.
      • Posterior = behind ---- spine is on the posterior of the body.
      • Dorsal = back = behind.
      • Cranial = toward the head --- Chest is cranial to the abdomen.
    • Dexter- sinister

      dexter= kanan

      sinister= kiri


    • Medialis-lateralis

      Medial = toward the mid line Lateral = away from midline


    • Superior - Inferior = Cranialis-Caudalis, Proximalis-Distalis

      • Superior = above ( when referring to standing human body superior is equivalent to cranial)
      • Caudal = toward the tail ----- the hips are caudal to the waist. Inferior = below; at a lower level. --- the knees are inferior to hips.
      • Proximal = toward the central of the body
      • Distal = away from the central of the body.



    • Superficialis-Profundus

      • Superficial = toward body surface.
      • Profundus = away from body surface.


    • Ipsilateral-Kontraletral

      Ipsilateral adalah terletak di atau mempengaruhi sisi yang sama tubuh. Berlawanan dengan kontralateral


    • Apex-Basis




    • Transversalis-Ascendens-Descendens

      • transversalis=melintang
      • ascendens: naik
      • descendens: turun


    • Parietal-viceral

      • parietal: kearah bagian luar organ
      • viceral: ke arah bagian dalam organ


  • Singkatan (Abbreviation)

    a. = arteri = artery v. = vena = vein n. = nervus = nerve = musculus = muscle = arteriae = arteries = venae = veins = musculi = muscles = nervi = nerves.

  • Istilah Khusus pada penamaan alat/struktur

    Aditus = pintu masuk Ala = sayap Albus = putih Angulus = sudut Antrum = rongga di dalam tulang-bagian tubuh lain Anus = Anal = muara terakhir dari saluran pencernaan Apertura = pintu Aponeurosis = urat lembar Arcus = lengkung/busur Arteri = Arteria = A. = pembuluh darah nadi Arteriola = anak pembuluh darah nadi Articulatio = sendi tempat pertemuan dua tulang Brevis = pendek Bulbus = umbi Calyx = cawan Calvaria = kubah tengkorak Canalis = terusan Cartilago = tulang rawan Cauda = ekor Commissura = pengubung Condylus = benjol Cornu = tonjolan / juluran seperti tanduk Corona = mahkota Corpus = badan Cortex = lapisan luar Crista = rigi Crus = menyerupai kaki Dens = gigi Discus = cakram Ductus = saluran/pipa Embryo = mudigah pada manusia antara umur satu – delapan minggu Epicondylus = anak benjolan Excavatio = jeluk/galian Facies = permukaan/wajah Fascia = selaput-selaput otot Falx = sabit Feminine = Feminina = perempuan Fissura = toreh Flexura = tekukan Foramen = lubang Fornix = kubah Fossa = lekuk Fovea = cekungan Fundus = dasar pada bagian organ berongga Ganglion = simpul syaraf Genu = lutut Glabella = daerah di atas hidung dan diantara alis mata Gyrus = gelung Hemispherium = Hemisphere = belahan Hiatus = tampuk Hilus = Hilum = cekungan atau lubang kecil pintu masuk-keluar pembuluh darah / syaraf Incisura = takik Insertio = tempat perlekatan misal : dari otot ke tulang yang digerakkannya Introitus = gerbang Isthmus = hubungan yang sempit Labium = Labia = pinggir/tepi yang berdaging, bibir Lacerus = koyak/robek Lamina = lembar Ligamentum = pengikat/penyokong Lobus = bagian yang berbatas Longus = panjang Magnus = Major = besar Malleolus = mata kaki Mandibula = rahang bawah Margo = tepi Masculine = Masculina = laki-laki Maxilla = rahang atas Meatus = liang Minor = Minora = kecil Musculus = M. = Otot Nervus = N. = syaraf Nucha = Nuchae = tengkuk/kuduk Obliquus = serong Omentum = tabir Orificium = muara Origo = tempat asal Os = Osteon = Ossa = Ossis = tulang keras/tulang-tulang keras Ostium = pintu Papilla = puting Pars = bagian Perforatus = tembus Plexus = anyaman/ jalinan; terutama untuk pembuluh darah & syaraf Plica = lipatan Porta = Portae = gerbang Processus = taju Promontorium = struktur yang mencuat Radix = akar Ramus = cabang Rectus = lurus Recurrens = membalik Regio = wilayah / segmen Rima = celah Septum = sekat Sinus = rongga dalam tulang atau dalam jaringan tubuh lain Spina = duri Stratum = lapis Sulcus = alur / alur dangkal Sutura = sendi yang tidak bergerak pada tulang tengkorak Symphisis = tautan Tegmentum = atap Tendo = urat Taenia = pita Tractus = jalur/jaras Trigonum = segi tiga Truncus = batang Tuberculum = tonjolan kecil (pada tulang) Tuberositas = penonjolan (pada tulang tempat otot dilekatkan) Umbilicus = pusar Valvula = katup Vena = V. = pembuluh darah balik Vermis = cacing Vertex = puncak kepala Vesica = kandung Vestibulum = beranda

  • Istilah gerak

    • Fleksi dan ekstensi

      • Fleksi adalah gerak menekuk atau membengkokkan.
      • Ekstensi adalah gerakan kepada meluruskan.





      Contoh: gerakan ayunan lutut pada cara gerak jalan. Gerakan ayunan ke hadapan merupakan (ante)fleksi dan ayunan ke balik dikata (retro)fleksi/ekstensi.

    • Adduksi dan abduksi

      • Adduksi adalah gerakan mendekati tubuh.
      • Abduksi adalah gerakan menjauhi tubuh.



      Contoh: gerakan membuka tungkai kaki pada posisi istirahat di tempat merupakan gerakan abduksi (menjauhi tubuh). Jika kaki digerakkan kembali ke posisi siap merupakan gerakan adduksi (mendekati tubuh).

    • Elevasi dan depresi

      • Elevasi merupakan gerakan mengangkat,
      • depresi adalah gerakan menurunkan.

      Contohnya: Gerakan membuka mulut (elevasi) dan menutupnya (depresi)juga gerakan pundak keatas (elevasi) dan kebawah (depresi)

    • Inversi dan eversi

      • Inversi adalah gerak memiringkan telapak kaki ke dalam tubuh.
      • Eversi adalah gerakan memiringkan telapak kaki ke luar.


      Juga perlu diketahui kepada istilah inversi dan eversi hanya kepada wilayah di pergelangan kaki.

    • Supinasi dan pronasi

      • Supinasi adalah gerakan menengadahkan tangan.
      • Pronasi adalah gerakan menelungkupkan.



      Juga perlu diketahui istilah supinasi dan pronasi hanya dipakai kepada wilayah pergelangan tangan saja

    • Endorotasi dan eksorotasi

      • Endorotasi adalah gerakan ke dalam pada sekililing sumbu panjang tulang yang bersendi (rotasi).
      • eksorotasi adalah gerakan rotas ke luar.
    • Oposisi dan reposisi

      oposisi/reposisi: gerak khas ibu jari dan kelingking


    • Circumductie

      kombinasi flexi-extensi dan abduksi-adduksi


  • Bidang anatomi

    • Sagittal plane

      Divide body into dextra and sinistra sections  mid-sagittal/median plane = precisely in axial line.

    • Coronal plane

      Divide body into anterior and posterior sections

    • Transverse plane

      Divide body into superior and inferior sections


  • Penampang/ Potongan tubuh

    • Penampang longitudinal

      berjalan memanjang dalam arah sesuai aksis panjang tubuh atau bagian-bagiannya pada berbagai posisi tubuh

    • Penampang vertical

      seperti penampang longitudional sagital, dibuat melaui tubuh atau bagiannya dalam posisi anatomis

    • Penampang transversal

      penampang tubuh atau bagoiannya yang dipotong tegak lurus terhadap axis longitudinal tubuh atau bagiannya.

    • Penampang obliqua

      penampang tubuh atau bagiannya yang tidak melalui bidang anatomis tersebut diatas, misalnya condong atau miring terhadap bidang tersebut

  • Anatomical Imaginary Lines/ Linea Anatomica

    Linea Anatomica merupakan garis-garis imajiner sebagai suatu orientasi anatomik di Regio Utama Tubuh, untuk membantu terhadap proyeksi keberadaan berbagai Organ serta Struktur Tubuh Manusia.

    • Linea Anatomica di sisi Ventral Regio Thorax – Abdomen

      • Linea Mediana Anterior = Linea Sternalis = Linea Midsternalis

        Garis imajiner vertikal melalui pertengahan Os Sternum.

      • Linea Parasternalis dexter-sinister :

        Garis imajiner vertikal melalui tepi kanan-kiri Os Sternum.

      • Linea Mid (Medio) Clavicularis dexter-sinister

        Garis imajiner vertikal dimulai dari pertengahan Os Clavicula dexter- sinister.


    • Linea Anatomica di sisi Lateral Regio Thorax – Abdomen

      • Linea Axillaris Anterior dexter-sinister

        Garis imajiner vertikal dimulai dari sisi anterior lipatan Axilla dexter-sinister /Ketiak kanan-kiri.

      • Linea Midaxillaris dexter-sinister

        Garis imajiner vertikal dimulai dari Puncak atau Tengah Axilla dexter-sinister / Ketiak kanan-kiri.


      • Linea Axillaris Posterior dexter-sinister

        Garis imajiner vertikal dimulai dari sisi posterior lipatan Axilla dexter- sinister / Ketiak kanan-kiri

      Linea Anatomica di sisi Dorsal Regio Thorax – Abdomen, terdiri dari : 7. Linea Scapularis dexter-sinister : Garis imajiner vertikal melalui Struktur Angulus Inferior Os Scapulae dexter-sinister. 8. Linea Mediana Posterior = Linea Midvertebralis = Linea Vertebralis : Garis imajiner vertikal di tengah belakang tubuh melalui sepanjang Struktur Processus Spinosus Ossa Vertebrae

    • Linea Anatomica di sisi Dorsal Regio Thorax – Abdomen,

      • Linea Scapularis dexter-sinister

        Garis imajiner vertikal melalui Struktur Angulus Inferior Os Scapulae dexter-sinister.

      • Linea Mediana Posterior = Linea Midvertebralis = Linea Vertebralis

        Garis imajiner vertikal di tengah belakang tubuh melalui sepanjang Struktur Processus Spinosus Ossa Vertebrae


    • Linea Anatomica di sisi Ventral Regio Abdomen

      • Garis Monroe

        Garis imajiner yang menghubungkan Struktur Spina Iliaca Anterior Superior (SIAS) dexter-sinister dengan Struktur Umbilicus.


      • Garis Lanz

        Garis imajiner yang menghubungkan Struktur Spina Iliaca Anterior Superior (SIAS) dexter & Spina Iliaca Anterior Superior (SIAS) sinister.


      • Garis Schuffner

        Garis imajiner yang menghubungkan Struktur Spina Iliaca Anterior Superior (SIAS) dexter dengan Struktur Umbilicus dan diteruskan sampai Struktur Arcus Costae sinister



  • Body cavities

    A body cavity is a fluid-filled space inside the body that holds and protects internal organs. Human body cavities are separated by membranes and other structures. The two largest human body cavities are the ventral cavity and dorsal cavity.

    • ventral cavity

      The ventral cavity is at the anterior (or front) of the trunk. Organs contained within this body cavity include the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, and reproductive organs. The ventral cavity allows for considerable changes in the size and shape of the organs inside as they perform their functions. Organs such as the lungs, stomach, or uterus, for example, can expand or contract without distorting other tissues or disrupting the activities of nearby organs.

      • thoracic cavity

        fills the chest and is subdivided into two pleural cavities and the pericardial cavity. The pleural cavities hold the lungs, and the pericardial cavity holds the heart.

      • abdominopelvic cavity

        fills the lower half of the trunk and is subdivided into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity. The abdominal cavity holds digestive organs and the kidneys, and the pelvic cavity holds reproductive organs and organs of excretion.

    • dorsal cavity

      is at the posterior (or back) of the body, including both the head and the back of the trunk. The dorsal cavity is subdivided into the cranial and spinal cavities.

      • cranial cavity

        fills most of the upper part of the skull and contains the brain.

      • spinal cavity

        is a very long, narrow cavity inside the vertebral column. It runs the length of the trunk and contains the spinal cord.


  • Root/Basic Words

    • Usually a Latin.

    • Usually gotten from Anatomical terms (search in Terminologia Anatomica).

    • You should study it at the beginning of each systems.

    • Prefix

      • Usually found
      • Show direction ( ab-, ad-, etc.)
      • Show number/size (mono-, bi-, pan-, mega-)
      • Condition : eu-, dys-, iso-,osmo-
    • Suffix

      • stasis -lysis -plasia (proliferation) -itis (inflammation) -pathy (disorder) -algia (pain) -phagia (ingestion) -oma (benign neoplasm) -carcinoma (malignancy of epithelial tissues) -sarcoma (malignancy of connective tissues) Etc. Show color (rubra, flava, alba, grisea)
    • Conversion of Suffix.

      Single to plural us i musculus ---- musculi um a ligamentum --- ligamenta a ae. vena --- venae


  • Surface Anatomy

    A branch of gross anatomy that examines shapes and markings on the surface of the body as they relate to deeper structures.

    • Related to 4 major clinical examination
      • Inspection  visual
      • Palpation  shape, size, and texture + pain
      • Percussion  content (air, fluid, or solid mass)
      • Auscultation  internal organ movement
  • Common Term Used


  • Body regions

    • Regio capitis (kepala)

      1Regio frontalis Regio orbitalis Regio Nasalis Regio Infraorbitalis Regio Oralis Regio Mentalis Regio Buccalis Regio Zygomaticus Regio Temporalis Regio Parietalis Regio Occipitalis


      • Cephalic and Cervical Regions

        • Cephalic regions



        • Cervical regions






    • Regio colli (leher)

      Keterangan gambar : Regio sternocleidomastoideus Trigonum submentale Trigonum musculare Trigonum submandibulare Trigonum caroticum Regio cervicalis lateralis


      • Neck regions
        • Posterior Regions

          • Processus spinosus of cervical vertebra is bound by ligamentum nuchae. The most prominent spinosus is C7  landmark of counting vertebral height.
        • Anterior Regions

          divided into some trigonum (triangles).

          • Submental : m. digastricus, some lymph nodes
          • Submandibular : submandibular gland (salivary gland)
          • Carotid : arteri carotis communis, vena jugular interna, and some lymph nodes
          • Muscular : m. sternothyroid, m. sternohyoid Divided by m. sternocleidomastoideus
          • Occipital : external jugular vein, the accessory nerve, the brachial plexus, and some lymph nodes
          • Supraclavicular : part of the subclavian vein and artery as well as some lymph nodes.
    • Regio thorax

      Keterangan gambar Regio pectoralis Regio presternalis Trigonum clavipectorale Regio axillaris Regio mammaria


      • Thorax and Abdomen


    • Regio abdomen

      Keterangan gambar : Regio Hypochondriaca Dextra & Sinistra Regio Epigastricum RegioUmbilical Regio Lumbalis Dextra & Sinistra Regio hipogastrica Regio iliaca dextra & sinistra


      • Abdominopelvic


    • Regio pelvic

      • Regio urogenitalis
      • Regio Sacralis
      • Regio Analis
    • Regio extremitas superior

      Keterangan gambar : Regio Deltoidea Regio Brachialis Anterior Regio Cubitalis Anterior Regio Antebrachialis anterior Regio Antebrachialis posterior Regio Carpalis Anterior & Dorsalis Dorsum Manus Digiti


    • Regio Extremitas Inferior

      Keterangan gambar : Regio Femoralis Anterior Trigonum femorale Regio Genu Anterior Regio Cruralis anterior Dorsum pedis Digiti


    Keterangan gambar : Regio gluteus Regio femoralis posterior Regio genus posterior Regio cruralis posterior Regio calcanea Regio pedis


    • Internal Jugular and Subclavian Central Venous Catether



  • Clinical Applications

    • Radiologi
      • X-ray Imaging
      • CT (Computed Tomography) Scan
    • Gelombang
      • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)


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